We have a few flags here at Seguin Island, but only one that we fly on special occasions. Usually we reserve this flag for major holidays, but secretly we’re always looking for occasions to celebrate. Today we found a great reason; one of our intrepid island campers turned 7 years old! Aided by his brother and cousins, the birthday boy raised the flag high over Seguin.

The remainder of the day was filled with visitors to the island, all who accepted offers to tour the lighthouse. It’s one of our favorite things to show the lens to appreciative guests, and they were treated to quite a show! With bright sunlight at the proper angles, the prism created a spectacular rainbows that shifted across the lantern room throughout the afternoon.

Evening came with the last visitors to the island and brought with it a beautiful sunset. We had over 40 guests on Seguin today, all of whom helped us celebrate in their own special way.
Daily Weather Report
Temp: 77.7° / 61.3°
Clear and still sky, bright sun ☀️
Wind: W 4.5mph / Gust 15.9mph
High Tide: 3:58am / 4:30pm
Low Tide: 10:11am / 10:48pm