The Guckenburgs
Mary and Greg say that for many years, they have looked out at Seguin Island from the beaches of Reid and Popham, hoping to have the opportunity to live out there once their two children were well established in their adult lives. Love of the ocean is only the starting point of their dream; both have a strong sense of outdoor adventure and relish new outdoor challenges. Their long held dream of living at Seguin Island Light will come true in the summer of 2013.

Meet Mary Hillery & Greg Guckenburg
Mary is an RN-CNM who worked locally in Labor and Delivery and Family Planning until retirement in 2009. Greg served as Georgetown School janitor for 10 years, worked at Bath Iron Works as a Maintenance Pipefitter for 20 years and now works part time for the Brunswick Explorer bus. Their two children Alex and Julia, after graduation from Morse HS, attended college out of state, married, settled in the Boston area and now have two young children each. The four grandchildren are the “light of our lives,” say Mary and Greg.
Greg served six years as Arrowsic Selectman and three years as Treasurer. He also served a year as Financial Secretary Local 6, BIW. Mary served on the Zoning and Planning Boards of Arrowsic for over 10 years