One of the activities we’ve added to our list of daily chores involves heading down the hill to the beach. Since we can’t see the cove from the lighthouse, it gives us a chance to check on the moorings and see if we have visitors, police the outhouse, and make sure the dinghy hasn’t floated away. When possible, we make sure this trip coincides with low tide, the best time to look for sea glass.
The cove beach is a great beach for hunting sea glass. When a beach is known for seaglass it can often be too plentiful, and I feel robbed of the reward of discovery. Segin’s cove beach, however, yields just enough glass to make the trip worthwhile without giving it away. With sea glass, it seems, easy is a four letter word.

One of the things I’ve noticed is that my efforts are rewarded exponentially. At first, I see almost none, but eventually my focus softens and it begins to appear everywhere, even in spots that I’ve already scoured. I was once told that whatever you look for you will find, be it problems or possibilities. I guess it like that with sea glass and with life, where you put your effort is what you will find.
Daily Weather Report Temp: 76.1°F / 63.1°F Clear and sunny skies ☀️ Wind: W 4.6 mph / Gust 13.6 mph High Tide: 11:34am / 11:38pm Low Tide: 5:23am / 5:23pm