Every evening, I spend about 45 minutes to an hour (sometimes longer) hiking and running the trails of the island. Sometimes I wear a weighted vest to make it a bit more challenging on the steep and rocky terrain. Usually every other day, I’ll take hand clippers out on at least one of my hikes with the dogs to cut back the thorns, weeds, and brambles that inevitably creep into any open spot on the trail when given the chance.

Here’s Zorro helping me prune trails and scout for raspberries!

Lately, I’ve been hesitant to cut back to the thorns too much because we’re about to hit berry season! The raspberries are coming in here and there on the Tram Trail and Cove Trail, but it’s rare to get many ripe ones at any one time since the birds are almost always faster to get to them than I am. It appears as though a lot of blackberries are growing on the North Trail. With blackberries being much hardier berries than raspberries, I’m hoping there will be a day when we’ll be able to make attempt at picking them.

When I think about gathering the berries from the island and making something from them, I find myself thinking about previous lighthouse keepers who didn’t have a weekly resupply boat or grocery stores to shop at when back on shore. Matt always tells visitors about the first lighthouse keeper who was stationed at Seguin who asked for a raise after his first year and was denied because the island provided such fertile ground for growing plants and for fishing. I really can’t imagine how hard it must have been to grow or catch all of your own food while also tending to the lamps of the lighthouse all evening.

I’m looking forward to and grateful for the opportunity to eat some of the wild berries on the island, but I’m equally as grateful for the ability to order Hannaford To Go!

Daily Weather Report:
Temperature: 75.9 / 66.0
Sunny and clear
Wind: SW 11.4mph / Gusts 18.3mph
High Tide: 7:17am / 7:31pm
Low Tide: 1:09am / 1:10pm

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